Each of us has chosen this critical time in history to be born into the world. We have an opportunity and responsibility to achieve our own Soul’s purpose, but we also have a special opportunity to help move our world from chaos to peace. It all depends on the choices we make each moment. It’s all about our choices…. And it’s nice to know that there are no “wrong” choices. Takes the pressure off a little! (I’ll bet you might have a question or two about that last idea!)
Awareness is helpful and would be important to cultivate. The power of the Universe is in each one. Know this without doubt. Do not resist this idea or try to understand or make sense of it. Interactivity, not interdependence, is a key idea. All paths interact, some at closer proximity.
It is not important that each knows the details of the choices made. It is important that the choices have charted a path and each choice made creates the path set out. Wilderness hikers experience this as each step moves them forward toward an unseen destination, each step creating a new energy in its interactions with the environment.
Each choice leads to the next. What most do not yet realize is that there is light provided to determine the way. Most are not aware of it. There are many ways to see the light—all do not have the same experiences.
Any step taken becomes the “right” step. There is no right or wrong. Let go of the idea of “right and wrong”. Options are presented which are accepted or not. [But] when the step, or choice made, and it is congruent [aligned] with the STATE* of the person, then all is advantage and growth. The state of the person, then, becomes a contributing factor to the growth, or evolution, experienced as a result of the choice.
(*The state of a person involves beliefs, ideals, values, principles, etc. When the choices we make align with our beliefs and principles, then Yusef tells us there is opportunity for growth and living out our purpose.)
I am interested in learning more about the “light provided to determine the way.” Yusef says most are not aware of it (the light) and that there are many ways to see the light. Has he provided more information on this light and some of the ways it may be seen?